Saturday, June 22, 2013

PGNJ - That's Potters' Guild of New Jersey, for the Unitiated

So by now I am using all my buck tail - the leavings and the good white stuff - and grudgingly giving up a wee bit of squirrel and fox. And the wife is chatting me up with her pottery friends because she has hand made brushes. (I think I'm supposed to thank her for that.) She's vice president of the Potters' Guild of New Jersey (I"m pretty sure I'm supposed to chat that up) and her friends decide I should come give a demonstration of brush making.  Being me, I drag my feet for as long as husband-ly possible, but I eventually succumb to her nagging (and her friends "casually mentioning" the possibility every time they phone).

Surprisingly, it went very well and I learned a whole lot about what potters other than my wife look for in brushes.  Apparently, an addiction to brushes is fairly common in potters - maybe it has something to do with the stuff they breathe in while they're in their studios.

I was pretty amazed that there were 15 people in the room and they were all sitting quietly listening to me... well until  I ran a buck tail brush through my mouth to show them the point it came to when moistened - then they all seemed to gag at once...that was surprisingly loud.

After the talk, they forgot I'd had the south end of a northbound buck in my mouth and they all got down to testing them out.  A bunch of brushes didn't go home with me, which made me feel pretty good.  Plus I learned a lot about what they spend all that time in brush aisles looking for, which got me fired up to making more!
I was even the star of a Video they took of the presentation which I'm told will be in their PGNJ library for the folks to watch if they missed the show.  The wife says there's usually 30 people there.  Glad there wasn't 30 that day.  This was not a time to find out I had stage fright.  They even asked me to return with more brushes since they'd given me my marching orders (does everyone think they're my wife?)

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